Editorial Scope:
The prime purpose of the Journal of the American Pomological Society is to provide a repository for information on all aspects of fruit and nut crops. The long-term emphasis of the journal on cultivars and rootstocks continues, but manuscripts reporting original research on a wide range of fruit and nut crops are welcomed. Acceptable areas of research include pruning, nutrition, irrigation, growth regulators, cultural practices, economics, and pest control. Studies involving the interaction of one or more of these aspects with either cultivars and/or rootstocks are particularly appropriate. If in doubt about the suitability of a particular manuscript, please e-mail the Editor at pomologyeditor@outlook.com. ..
Updates for the Journal – January 2025
In 2022, our Editorial Board Chair, Dr. Penny Perkins-Veazie, began the process of updating our journal articles so that digital object identifiers (DOI) could be added to our published articles and future manuscripts. However, we soon found out that the data that would have to be extracted from each .pdf article would be time- and cost-prohibitive without an external vendor to help us digitize all our published articles.
In mid-2024, following discussions between the Executive Committee, the Editorial Board Chair, and input from our Advisory Committee, we made the strategic decision to begin the digitalization process for the Journal of the American Pomological Society. With invaluable support from Martin Borbone, who has successfully assisted in transitioning the American Society for Horticultural Science journals to an online platform, we identified a vendor capable of managing data extraction and DOI assignment for each article. This initiative will ensure that all past and future journal issues and articles are available online, enhancing search engine indexing and discoverability in perpetuity.
In conjunction with the digitization efforts, we have decided to transition all Journal of the American Pomological Society articles to an open access model. As part of this shift, we will discontinue the print version of the journal beginning in 2025. We are confident that these changes will significantly improve accessibility to the high-quality research published by our authors, while also ensuring the long-term sustainability of the journal.
The transition to a fully online, open access platform offers several key advantages, including:
- The ability to publish color photographs and videos at no additional cost
- The option to submit supplementary materials with no page limits or extra fees
- For authors, a streamlined submission process through the journal online portal, https://journal.americanpomological.org.
- For reviewers, an online platform will facilitate easier submission of recommendations and reviews
- A streamlined pricing structure with a single flat fee, replacing the previous full- and half-page charges
These changes will take effect for all articles published in 2025 and beyond. We believe this transition marks an exciting new chapter for the Journal of the American Pomological Society, with enhanced accessibility, improved sustainability, and greater flexibility for authors and readers alike.
The new website for the Journal of the American Pomological Society(https://journal.americanpomological.org) is now live and ready to accept manuscript submissions for review. The submission process will be familiar to those who have used online portals for other journals, offering the ability to track the status of your manuscript throughout the review cycle. This system ensures both transparency and accountability, allowing for a timely decision-making process and, upon acceptance, efficient publication of your manuscript.
With this change to a wholly online publication and open access of our journals and articles, the following changes will be instituted for all articles published in 2025 and beyond.
- Research Articles and Reviews
- Non-Member Fee: $2,000
- APS Member Fee: $1,000
- Standard article
- Supplementary material will now be accepted
- Short Paper Articles
- Non-Member Fee: $700
- APS Member Fee: $500
- Maximum length: 1,800 words
- Maximum 2 scalable images, tables, or figures
For those who have selected the print and online options for 2025 membership, members of the American Pomological Society Executive Committee will be reaching out to offer alternative options.
Please let us know if you have any questions or feedback about these changes.
Thank you,
Mercy Olmstead, Editor-in-Chief, Journal of the American Pomological Society.
Instructions for Authors
Instructions for authors, formatting, and submitting a manuscript can be found at our new website: Journal of the American Pomological Society – Submissions.
- If you have any questions, please contact:
- Dr. Mercy Olmstead
- (e-mail address: pomologyeditor@outlook.com)