• Bernadine Strik on why she is an APS member

Membership Benefits

There are several benefits to a membership in the American Pomological Society, including:

  • Quarterly subscription to the Journal of the American Pomological Society 
  • Discounted publishing fees in the Journal of the American Pomological Society
  • Free unlimited downloads of published articles and full digital issues (2013+) from the Journal of the American Pomological Society
  • Leadership opportunities to serve on the Advisory or Executive Board
  • Networking opportunities with key pomologists who can positively impact your career
  • Recognition for outstanding publications and lifelong achievements
  • Advanced notification of the annual tour, workshop, and fruit tasting

Our annual meetings are held in conjunction with the annual American Society for Horticulture Science meetings, which rotate around the United States.  Our constitution and bylaws are continually reviewed, and changes are implemented with a majority vote of our members.

Annual Fees

Individual Membership

Library and Institution Rate

United States (print subscription) $75 per year $85 per year
All other countries (print subscription) $85 per year $95 per year
Graduate students (print subscription) $25 per year  
Online Journal Option  for U.S. and all other countries (electronic subscription only) $60 per year